Data conversion =============== Hi-net provide waveform data in win32 format and instrument responses in a channel table. :mod:`~HinetPy.win32` can convert them into SAC and SAC polezero formats. >>> from HinetPy import win32 >>> data = "0101_201001010000_20.cnt" >>> ctable = "" Extract Waveform Data --------------------- Extract waveform data of all channels as SAC format. >>> win32.extract_sac(data, ctable) .. important:: The SAC files converted from win32 format are **NOT** in digital counts!!! ``win2sac_32`` automatically removes sensitivity from waveforms and multipy by 1.0e9. Thus, the SAC files are velocity in nm/s or accelaration in nm/s/s. The SAC files have a default filename ``STATION.COMPONENT.SAC`` (e.g. ``N.NABC.U.SAC``). You can specify another SAC suffix and a different output directory. >>> win32.extract_sac(data, ctable, suffix="", outdir="SAC") If you want to extract only a small subset of channels, you can use ``filter_by_id``, ``filter_by_name`` and/or ``filter_by_component`` to filter the channels. They accept a list of string or a string contains wildcard. >>> # extract 3 channles by id >>> win32.extract_sac(data, ctable, filter_by_id=["3e83", "3e84", "3e85"]) >>> # extract all channels whose name match 'N.NA*' >>> win32.extract_sac(data, ctable, filter_by_name="N.NA*") >>> # extract vertical(U) component channels whose name match 'N.NA*' >>> win32.extract_sac(data, ctable, filter_by_name="N.NA*", filter_by_component="U") Extract PZ ---------- :meth:`~HinetPy.win32.extract_sacpz` can convert instrumental responses from Hi-net's channel table to SAC PZ format. .. warning:: This function works for Hi-net network only. F-net data users are highly recommended to use `FnetPy `_ to request waveform data in SEED format and extract instrumental responses in RESP or PZ format from SEED files. Extract information of all channels as SACPZ file: >>> win32.extract_sacpz(ctable) The SACPZ file has a default name ``STATION.COMPONENT.SAC_PZ`` (e.g. ``N.NABC.U.SAC_PZ``). You can specify another SACPZ suffix and a different output directory. >>> win32.extract_sacpz(ctable, suffix="SACPZ", outdir="PZ/") If you want to extract only a small subset of channels, you can use ``filter_by_id``, ``filter_by_name`` and/or ``filter_by_component`` to filter the channels. They accept a list of string or a string contains wildcard. >>> # extract 3 channles by id >>> win32.extract_sacpz(ctable, filter_by_id=["3e83", "3e84", "3e85"]) >>> # extract all channels whose name match 'N.NA*' >>> win32.extract_sacpz(ctable, filter_by_name="N.NA*") >>> # extract vertical(U) component channels whose name match 'N.NA*' >>> win32.extract_sacpz(ctable, filter_by_name="N.NA*", filter_by_component="U") .. seealso:: 1. `Response of Observation Equipment `_ 2. `Hi-net FAQ Q08 `_ .. _NIED F-net: